Pumpkin Spice Oreos: A Review

Let’s be honest, fall is really just pumpkin spice marketing season. So when we picked up our Pumpkin Spice Cheerios we couldn’t resist a package of Pumpkin Spice Oreos to go with them! I love the experimenting Oreo had been doing with their flavors in recent years. I had Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Oreos that were to die for! Though I do still think dipping Oreos in peanut butter is better. Thank you Lindsay Lohan!

I’m Basically Julia Child

In my twenties, my routine eating habits were a combination of ordering in, bowls of cereal, and snack food at happy hour. It was fun. It was delicious. And it was expensive. Now that I’m in my thirties, I like the idea of #adulting and actually cooking real meals (and not just the super easy…

Pumpkin Spice Cheerios: A Review

It’s that time again: pumpkin spice season! And as far as I can tell, the most anticipated new product of the Fall is Pumpkin Spice Cheerios. So naturally, I needed to try them. Now let’s just have a quick discussion about my love of pumpkin before we get started. I am very much a #basic…

(Claire and) I Made a Pie

When I started this blog, I made a list of things I wanted to try. Making a pie from scratch was on it, but I had’t tackled that one yet. For a few reasons. I was intimidated. I wasn’t sure what kind of pie I wanted to make. I didn’t get to it before summer…

Simple Pleasures: Pancakes

I love breakfast. I would eat breakfast food for every meal and sometimes I do. But during the week, breakfast is nothing fancy. So one of my ideas for this blog was to take myself out to breakfast on a work day. Meaning I would have to get up early, go to a restaurant (alone!),…

Random Recipe Tuesday

You know when plans get canceled and you’re both sad and thrilled? Because you wanted to go out, but you also really love sitting on your couch? Well, yeah, that was today for me. And that meant I could cuddle up in my sweats, catch up on my DVR, and actually cook dinner. As I was…

Cooking: From a Rachel to a Monica?

As a single person living alone in NYC, my dinner routine can best be described as: seamless.com, delivery.com, the pizza place next to my apartment, bowls of cereal, and the occasional set of three meals from Blue Apron when I’m feeling ambitious. So for this weekend’s routine maintenance, I decided that I was actually going…