(Not) Taken from our Airbnb

I am a bit of a Nervous Nellie. My mind tends to go to the worst case scenario right away. If I’m on a roller coaster, I’m thinking about the safety restraint malfunctioning. If I get a bug bite, I immediately assume I have bed bugs and will need to burn all of my belongings….

I’ve Never Seen Ghostbusters

There are a lot of classic films that I just sort of missed as a child. Some of them I’ve caught up with as an adult like Back to the Future (though I haven’t seen the sequels), or Goonies, or Sixteen Candles. And some I still haven’t seen like The Breakfast Club, Star Wars (though…

I Went To the Movies…Alone!

I said I was having trouble following the plan for this blog. I said I hoped something would happen by chance. And this weekend…I got my wish? I use a question mark there because my “by chance” blog activity happened because my friend got sick. And that’s not something I would ever wish for! But I…

Movie Moments in Central Park

I spend a lot of time in Central Park. It’s where I go running. When the weather is nice, I take a meandery 45 minute walk through the park to or from work. It’s where I eat lunch when I brought something from home but I still want to get out of the office for…